"When You Grow Up, Your Heart Dies".....or Does It?

I watched “The Breakfast Club” the other night for the first time in at least 20 years.  As a 15 year old, I remember the first time I saw it in the theater with my BFF (before there were BFFs).  It felt so iconic and true for the 1985 me.  Each of those kids was tortured and isolated by the boxes that they were being forced into and who couldn’t relate to that teenage angst?

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Guest User
Release Stuck Emotions By Feel

“Here is the world. Beautiful and terrible things will happen. Don't be afraid.” Frederick Buechner

It is important that we understand and collaborate with our souls so that we can live freely and in flow. We can be more accepting of what life is bringing to us, both the good and the bad. When we are sensitive enough to feel what is in our emotional and physical bodies, we become good at it.

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Margaret Burns
What is Clinical Hyponsis

What is Clinical Hypnosis?

A guided relaxation that helps you to access a level of consciousness other than waking or sleeping.

A safe and efficient tool for growth and self change, applicable to virtually any area of life.

A technique for focusing mindful awareness and increasing suggestibility.

A scientifically proven modality employed to address specific behaviors and reactions

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Meditation for Depression

Meditation: How & Why it Works to Clear Depression 

The majority of people with depression have more than one thing going on, in their lives and in their physical bodies.  How to manage the complexities around this is a big task in and of itself.  Part of the issue is that treatment is often hard to manage and ineffective much of the time.  Because there are complexities.  And so it becomes a vicious cycle to both treat and live with depression.

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Margaret Burns
Want more energy? I thought so.

These days who wouldn’t?  We’re constantly trying to “bend time” to get what we need done during the day.  Energy is a must. Unfortunately, many of us don’t feel energized.

This is true with me this week.  My toddler decided to stop sleeping, and I am tired.  Exhausted, really. As a mom of 3, and a small business owner, any sudden drop in my sleep bank immediately throws me off.  I could handle it in my 20’s…not in my 40’s.

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Breath = Soul Meets Body

Deep breathing is important, not just for the body, calming our nervous systems, but breathing creates space. Creating space just by breathing is important because it brings more of our selves here to land on earth. It helps define the intersection between our body and our spirit. Our autonomic nervous systems are revved up all day long in stress, at work, in thought, and in anything we do that resembles “trying.” Taking a deep breath brings energy in, instead of letting energy out.

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